Thursday, February 22, 2007

Are You a Slacker Mom?

so i'm doing the usual web loop- click, click, click and i end up at mike c's blog, where after reading about his 'newborn' adventures, i find myself clicking through to this quiz of sorts. sucker. ;)

click, click, click- in no time at all you can lie like hell and get a quick little ego boost in the mom-ability department.

Your quiz score makes you: Zen Mom

How do you do it? Even when explosions are all around, you are able to take a deep cleansing breath and chant your mantra "this too shall pass." You are a calming influence on your kids in a hectic world.

now i wonder where that test is for slacker dads...

serious training on the liver tonight in anticipation of the lansing brewfest this saturday. takers report 9am, old town lansing parking lot. it's amazing how those little beers can put the spin on quick after a nice ride. unfortunately, scotty moved to colorado so the front row seats to the wwf after the brew gig will be sorely missed.

now for the retroride report...

01.10.07 - blue diamond, nv.

well, since i now have a bikebox for traveling, i figure i would put it to fair use and ride the trails outside vegas, since i'd never done so. in the 30 days prior, i had ridden 710 miles, so i figured i would have a good day of training in the warm weather. i took two days off prior, pack day and travel day. usual fanfare of work til last minute pack crap get to airport sit on runway for an hour fly cab hotel assemble bike sort clothes buy/copy/outline route maps eat dinner sleep. whew.

up early and out on the road, the village of blue diamond was ~18 miles from my hotel. a quick stop at the bike shop to orient myself and i hit the trails. it was fun, quite a bit of gradual climbing and some fun bombing downhills. i was out for about an hour and a half when i decided i'd better get back to town and thinking of my return trip to the hotel. a quick chat with the mechanic back in town revealed that he rode from vegas and back every day on his 'trail bike'. 36 miles on the computer and the rush of a redbull later i was turning left and heading the long way around back to vegas.

riding on the road through the canyon was fun. unlike the trail, which was lined by cacti so i had to pay attention, i could look off at all the scenery. including the scene of a roadie trying to catch me as i rounded about the entrance to the 'pierce stocking drive' of red rock canyon- a supposedly hilly 13 mile paved loop. he gave up just as i peaked the last climb before the long downhill back into town. another-different shop stop on the way back for some 'official' trail maps and a way too much traffic wigout missed a turn action type moment put me missing the strip and rolling about 2-3ish miles out of the way. i could have made it shorter but this being a virginal run, i was reluctant to cut through the neighborhoods. a loop around later, i was rolling full lane down the strip taking in the sights. it was sweet! what a way to see the show! it was a great training ride: 71 mi - 5 hr 11 mins.


hotel shower dinner ugh. i couldn't eat. drank quite a bit of water and sugar rushed myself with some chocolate sweets and a warm cup of coffee. next morning i was spiraled down into the flu from hell.

looking northwest from the top of badger pass into north cottonwood valley and the wilson cliffs. i think the sign at the top said 4600+'.

the entrance to the canyon on blue diamond highway, just west of the village.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Appetite Normal

ahh, after having that flu thing for about 7 bedridden days in early january (losing ~7lbs in the process and all my legs from december), i think my appetite has caught back up to my training regimen. here's a breakdown of all the food i've eaten since about 10am sunday morning until about noon monday:

1/2 pot of coffee + 1 cup at rest stop
1 huge bowl granola w/milk
1 turkey melt
2 24oz guinness'
1 sm bag chips
1 sm-med-ish frozen pepperoni pie
1 box family sized kraft m&c
1.28 lbs ground beef
1/2 jar spaghetti sauce
1 pkg (15 count) marshmallow peeps
2 huge bowls of frosty coated sugar bombs cereal w/milk
2 two-liters of water + a few water bottles + 1 glass at rest stop
4 scoops powerbar recovery drink (ride waterbottle)

wow, i feel spectacularly normal today! let the recovery begin!

so now, let's turn to the weekend ride report...

wrcs of 74mi / 5ish on saturday. yep, we was movin' in some spots.

lansing pub 'n grub route on sunday for 3hr 30mins / 50 mi. the tailwind on the way down was nice, but the headwind on the way back... good thing those guinness' kicked in nicely.

and right now i just had one of those, gotta roll close the browser wanna save no... ok, yes, moments. gotta love people who choose exchange. yep, i'll exchange your money for my new bike part!

Monday, February 12, 2007

"I'll have...

a hostess display rack and a bottle of hershey's syrup to wash it down." i think i heard that in a david lee roth video a long time ago.

man, i'm so hungry today. even sitting here at work, all i can think of is food. i can even imagine these backup tapes being nice big chunks of rich dark chocolate! mmm...

so after pulling my usual 'fall off the face of the earth' routine, i'm making my return here to blogdom. since my last post, the routine of sleep, eat, drink, ride and life stuff hasn't really changed so i won't bore you with those mundane details and we'll get right to the weekend ride report.

an awesome weekend at alex's for double wrcs duty! saturday was 5hr/70ish with a nice hilly route chosen by special guest ride leader- 'mr. x'. sunday was the davisburg hammerfest out to the mmba annual meeting for a 5-1/2hr/80ish ride.

whew, i'm pooped today, even with a 40 mile tailwind all the way back from davisburg. looks like the monday recovery ride will be a ride where i'm actually recovering from something!