Sunday, January 11, 2009

Flat. Windy.

You know the drill. Add some cold and snow and you've got the fever for the flavor.

Well, another winter of midweek 'racing' indoors and 'recovery' rides outside on the weekends.

The dirt roads are truly in winter shape now. Sugary snow covered with an icy base. Perfect for working on that shoulder/hip disconnect as you slip slide all over the crowned surface.

Interestingly enough, I've never sensed a deviance of 'experience' from the trainer. I'm certain, if there are bike rides in purgatory, they all involve intervals on the trainer.

So another year has passed and things are switching up and refining again on the biking front. Thanks to this post, '08 was the initial switch to the 'more intervals and core' plan. This equated to feeling great at higher intensities but slightly lacking in base due to not enough time/miles during the mid week go til ya blow trainer sessions. Although I would hit good hours with my outside riding, the intervals were not structured at all, just pick a Spinervals vid and go. And once the summer hit, they lost out to nice weather outside.

For '09, things are starting out a little different. By:

- following a structured base interval plan from the Mistress of Pain
- using my rollers for all indoor aerobic riding
- being consistent with stretching, foam rolling and core work

How's this all going to work out? I have no idea.

Thanks to Danielle for spreading the good word about the rollers and providing some laughs. The totally squirrely riding after pumping your body full of lactic acid and being tiredly tense is interesting for sure. Funny, seems if you're bored on the trainer, you're not doing it right.

Luckily today, like yesterday, was a day for riding outside! Nice temps and some light snow in a partially sunny-foggy air to start the day. 5:05 later I had a nice winterbike art form.

It's amazing, the crazy stuff you do riding your bike just so you can ride your bike.

So what else is on the plate for '09? Unfinished business for sure, plus a small slew of interesting events and some standard local fanfares.